Learning From Departures: Employee Exit Process & Data to Reduce Employee Turnover

05 Oct, 2022 |


Onboarding and employee engagement are two topics that come up frequently while discussing the employment lifecycle. Organizations also need to think about offboarding to ensure the effectiveness of their human capital management procedures and the wellbeing of their employees.

Only 29% of companies have a structured offboarding strategy in place to ease employees into leaving, according to Aberdeen. Focusing on employees who are departing is seen as a waste of resources by many professionals in the current context, when skill disparities are widening and it is more important than ever to retain brilliant individuals. However, employee exit processes that are executed well have a significant effect on the development and efficiency of the business.

In reality, businesses with an official offboarding policy tend to have higher rates of employee retention and engagement.

Before addressing turnover, it's essential to identify the reasons behind employees leaving the organization. Some common reasons for employee turnover include:

Lack of Growth Opportunities

Employees seek opportunities for career advancement and skill development. If they feel their growth is stagnating, they might start looking for other options.

Poor Work-Life Balance

An imbalance between work and personal life can lead to burnout and dissatisfaction among employees.

Inadequate Recognition and Rewards

Employees who feel unappreciated or undervalued are more likely to consider other job opportunities.

Lack of Transparent Communication

Open and transparent communication is crucial for fostering a positive work environment. Lack of communication can lead to misunderstandings and conflicts.

Job Dissatisfaction

When employees are dissatisfied with their job roles or responsibilities, they might explore other career options.

What is an exit Interview?

An employee exit process interview is a one-on-one discussion with a departing worker to get their thoughts on their time working. The interviewer should be impartial, hence HR personnel are often used. All employees who are leaving their jobs are asked the same set of standardized questions. 

This final step gives the worker a sense of completion and gives them a forum for open communication. The reasons for their leave and the employee's impression of the company can be derived from their feedback and recommendations. It's a means to figure out what went wrong and whether or not anything can be done to stop it from happening again.

You may utilize this employee exit process data to figure out what's really going on in terms of employee turnover and other issues. Then you'll know what to do to make everyone happier and more productive at work.

Insights to look for in the employee exit management data

Data plays a crucial role in understanding and reducing turnover. Here's how businesses can leverage data to their advantage:

1. Analyzing Turnover Metrics

Collect and analyze turnover data regularly to identify patterns and trends. Look for commonalities among employees who leave and identify potential areas for improvement.

2. Employee Engagement Surveys

Conduct regular employee engagement surveys to gauge job satisfaction levels and identify areas of concern. Act on the feedback received to address any issues proactively.

3. Performance Reviews

Monitor employee performance and provide constructive feedback through regular performance reviews. Address any performance-related concerns promptly.

4. Benchmarking Salaries

Ensure that your organization's salary and benefits packages are competitive within the industry. Inadequate compensation can be a significant factor contributing to turnover.

5. Promote Work-Life Balance

Encourage a healthy work-life balance by offering flexible working arrangements and supporting employees' well-being.

A strategic employee exit management process provides insight into what employees are thinking, reveals problems in the organization, and sheds light on the competitive landscape. To ensure effectiveness of an employee exit management process, it is important to check these following aspects.

1. Employee exit Factors: Pay special attention to the stated reasons for employee leave. Career advancement prospects, work-life balance, remuneration, management concerns, business culture, or relocation are all common causes. Understanding these factors can assist in identifying areas for improvement and tailoring retention methods accordingly.

2. Calculate and analyze turnover rates across various departments, teams, and job roles. Identifying locations with significant turnover might point to possible issue areas that require attention or focused responses.

3. Duration and Timing: Examine the duration of departing employees and look for any trends in turnover timing. For example, are there certain times or milestones (such as after completing a project or during yearly evaluations) when employees depart more frequently?

4. Pay attention to demographic information such as age, gender, ethnicity, and amount of experience. Analyzing this data can tell whether some groups are more likely to leave, allowing for more focused retention measures.

5. Examine employee performance data and see if there are any links between performance evaluations and attrition rates. This study can reveal whether there is a link between underperformance and exits.

6. Managerial Feedback: Examine employee-manager connections. Assessing how workers see their supervisors might reveal possible leadership flaws that may be leading to attrition.

7. Feedback from departure Interviews: Carefully examine the replies from departure interviews to discover recurrent themes and areas for improvement. Data from exit interviews can give useful qualitative insights that supplement quantitative data analysis.

8. Compare your organization's turnover rates to industry standards and rivals to see where you stand in the talent market. This might show whether your company's turnover is higher or lower than the industry average.

10. Progress Over Time: Monitor employee exit management system data over time to identify patterns and changes in turnover rates. This long-term view can assist in identifying changes as a result of established retention methods.

11. Cross-Reference Employee Exit Management Process Data with Other HR indicators: Compare exit management data to other HR indicators such as employee engagement ratings, training investments, and employee satisfaction surveys. This in-depth examination might show relationships and potential areas for development.

12. Retention Strategy Performance: Assess the success of any retention tactics created in response to earlier departure management data. Determine if these tactics have a demonstrable impact on turnover reduction.

13. Turnover Cost: Determine the cost of staff turnover by taking into account recruiting charges, training costs, and lost productivity. Understanding the financial impact of turnover helps emphasize the need of fixing the problem.

Employee exit management process

The critical steps of an effective employee exit management process include:

Acceptance of Resignation: HR teams oversee the resignation process, ensuring that all relevant documentation is completed and that the leaving employee's leave date is set.

1. Conducting Exit Interviews: Employee exit process interviews are done to acquire insight into the reasons for the employee's departure as well as comments on their overall experience with the organization.

2. Data Collection and Analysis: HR staff analyze departure interview data and other feedback sources using data analytics and AI-driven insights to uncover turnover patterns and possible areas for development.

3. Knowledge transfer sessions: Employees may engage in knowledge transfer meetings before leaving, sharing vital information and experience with their replacements or other team members.

4. Offboarding: The HR staff oversees the offboarding process, which includes collecting corporate assets, discontinuing system access, and ensuring the leaving employee has a nice farewell experience.

5. Post-Departure Follow-Up: Human resources departments may perform post-departure surveys or interviews to see how the organization may have better supported the employee throughout their stay and to identify any lingering problems.

What to look for in an employee exit management software?

Exit interviews are often conducted as part of a larger offboarding procedure. While employee exit process interviews are more customized and one-on-one, employee exit management software will do all of the repetitive procedures in the background. Some key features to look for in an exit management software are:

  • From the first leave request to the final offboarding duties, the software should provide a smooth and organized workflow to handle the complete exit process. Exit processes need to include things like knowledge transfer, asset return, and final clearance procedures.
  • Look for an employee exit management software that gives you the option to design your own departure questionnaires, checklists, and template documents. Because of this adaptability, the leaving procedure may be modified to meet the needs of individual teams and divisions within your organization.
  • The employee exit management software  should have clear reporting and analytics tools that reveal patterns in employee turnover, motives for leaving, survey results from exit interviews, and other useful information. The information in these reports might help you see trends and weak spots in the way your company handles its human resources.
  • Employee exit management requires access to private employee information; thus, data security and compliance are of the utmost importance. Make sure that encryption, access restrictions, and compliance with applicable data protection rules are all implemented in the programme.
  • The software should be able to communicate with your current human resources and payroll systems to facilitate the transfer of data and reduce the need for manual data entry. In addition to saving time and effort, automation features help speed up the termination procedure.
  • The interface should be straightforward and simple to use, both for HR specialists and for individuals who are leaving their positions. Adoption will increase and the requirement for training will decrease if the system is easy to use.
  • Look for an employee exit management system that will tell HR and other relevant parties when important departure milestones are met with timely messages. This function makes sure that everyone is informed of what has to be done and when.
  • Some employee exit management software may include offboarding tools like exit interview forms and manuals for managers and previous employees. The offboarding process may be improved with the help of these tools, and the employer's reputation will get a boost as a result.

Get a complete employee exit management package by HONO!

HONO will handle the whole process from the time an employee submits their resignation papers until they depart the organization. Collect feedback from exit interviews, plan personal interviews, provide offboarding checklists, and much more. It is far more than an exit interview process.

Analyze the primary causes of employee turnover. This will assist you in filling any gaps or addressing any significant issues before they lead to more employees departing. Our robust HR analytics features will help you retain your top employees for the longest possible time.

Schedule a demo today!


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Frequently Asked Questions

An efficient employee exit management process may improve organizational efficiency, minimize interruptions, and boost staff morale. It aids in the retention of institutional knowledge, the identification of systemic difficulties, and the easier planning and acquisition of personnel.


Exit management challenges include establishing consistency across departments, dealing with emotional elements of departures, and managing workload during transitions. Furthermore, when dealing with numerous employees departing at the same time, organizing exit chores and timetables can be difficult.


When an employee gives notice of leave, the exit management procedure should ideally commence. Early planning allows for efficient knowledge transfer and smooth offboarding. Conducting an exit interview, handling clearances, asset return, and finishing offboarding duties before the last day of work are all standard timelines.